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Thoughts & Inspiration

   Wow guys. What an intense week we just had down here.
It all stemmed out of us doing away with the schedule all together and pursuing God the way He would always have us do anyway: Look at Jesus and then do as He does.

 Some discussions arose with the students about them feeling a lack of discipline and how they really wanted to dig in deeper, about how they “were feeling comfortable.” We as a leadership team also felt this way about just how slow and spaced out things could feel if you let them get that way.
So….. We prayed and after a quite lengthy meeting we came to the conclusion we should just stop trying so hard and do what Jesus did.  Literally.

 So we went through all four Gospels and wrote down every scripture explaining Jesus doing something or having his disciples do something and then do it that day.
This meant literal word for word acceptance. None of this contextualizing business.  No explaining what “Jesus really meant” in certain passages.
We were more alive and close to Jesus! and yes we were insane in the worlds eyes.
Hmm, funny how that worked out.

John 7:17  
If anyone is willing to obey my teaching he will know of the teaching, whether it is from God or whether I speak It from myself.

 We were so challenged and we learned so much about our dependence on the basic things of life such as sleep and food and even planning! These things are all good things at times yes but they were always meant to point to our dependence on Him.
Since we have such an unending abundance of time and food, entertainment etc, it is almost impossible to overstate how much more of The Lord we can meet when we go against the flow of what our culture says is not even excessive and follow the Way.
This all simply came to the surface by obeying what Jesus did and said. Seems simple right?
   We fellowshipped deeper. We ate slower and richer. We heard Him clearer. We slept deeper. We were free from the numbness of endless craving and desire.

 Jesus got up very early and prayed….”Do not waste a thing”….”go into to the towns and preach”…”you give them something to eat”…when you have a banquet invite the poor, those who cannot pay you back…
         It was hard and it took us to the end of ourselves so He might begin in us and gain glory.
            “My power is made perfect in weakness” and “For when I am weak then I am strong”
                                                       (2nd Corinthians 12:9,10)
Below is an anonymous student entry into a community journal that was set out for use to those who desired to write in it as we conducted all night prayer this past week. I find it to be a great testimony to what the Lord is doing in these students.

 Luke 9:23
 The He said to them all, whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take us your cross daily and follow me.

 So here we are: Sick, exhausted, thirsty, broken and HUNGRY, but in the sense that we are not satisfied with being comfortable. We are hungry for your Spirit and to be fed we must remove ourselves from this world and the rights that we think we must claim.
What must we deny in ourselves? Our whole selves we must deny, wholeheartedly devoted to you we come.
May we follow you without question or doubt, may we pray without ceasing. May we take up our crosses and follow you daily with every step we take and with every breath that we breathe.
Give us strength and boldness and faith to step out and become your fishers of men.
 BREAK DOWN OUR WALLS of comfort, expectation and selfishness in the name of your Son who has graciously united us as one. Amen.

 Amen indeed.