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Jesus tells us: 
 I have come that they may have life and that they may have it to the full.
John 10:10(b)

     Indeed there does exist a narrow path of such great vitality, and wonder beyond the alluring illusion of worldly
desire, shallow “Christian” commitments and what might appropriately be called “help along” hype but are we on this path?

            And do we as Christians really know how to lead others down this road we all desire?

All desire it, for it is our created hearts deepest longing.
Maybe some will look to it, “safe” as spectators in the world.
Few will walk in it, and know abundant life In a risen Christ.
Christ tells us that.

“But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
  Matthew 7:14

 Consider the great differences;
Dwight Moody remarks scathingly:

I believe that more people stumble over the inconsistencies of professing Christians than any other cause. What is doing more harm to the cause of Christ than all the skepticism in the world is this cold, dead formalism, this conformity to the world, this professing what we do not possess.

 And then that Of the great apostle:

Philippians 3:7,8 says:

 But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss, for the sake of Christ. What Is more, I consider all things loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord for whose sake I have lost all things.

The differences in emphasis of either statement are apparent yes, but they do point to the same end which is of course really KNOWING Christ and being found in Him not simply knowing  stuff about Him.

Interestingly, I have recently spoken to some non-Christians who are unaware that we as Christians really claim belief in a real relationship that goes beyond a set of rules, ideologies, and customs.
  Furthermore recently browsing books concerning converted atheists I found interesting support, specifically long time atheist Alicia Britt Chole’s “Finding an Unseen God”  where she states of the four things she loves most about God the greatest she says is that “He is knowable.”

I guess, compounding off  Moody’s above remark,  I wonder to myself how many professing Christians are also unaware of this real knowing Him, rather than knowing about Him.
I know about Abraham Lincoln but surely I cannot KNOW Him because unlike Jesus he is not alive!


 Paul Continues:

I want to know Christ, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death and so somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.
Philippians 3:10,11

  Friends, at this point you might be asking;

“What is the aim of all this?”
and “Where now is this coming from?”
  “If we lose a generation to the Gospel it won’t be because we didn’t
entertain them, but it will be because we didn’t challenge them with
the truth of the Gospel and the tragedy of this broken world that we
live in.” -Shaine Claiborne

 I have been given and have accepted the opportunity, by and of the utterly amazing grace and love of my Father in Heaven, to join with Adventures In Missions (AIM) as what is technically known as a “Perpetual Leader.”

  And to answer the above questions of what and why?……..

 “In large part this acceptance is of a passion for The Lord that is growing constantly and really that very passion spilling into a desire for college age men and women, to forsake the world and give their everything to and for The Lord Almighty, the Kingdom of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the power of God.”


Brother Yun, a Chinese house church pastor of incredible faith and love stated once that there are many “believers” but Jesus calls disciples.

 AIM is committed to raising up radical disciples, achieving much more than simple mission “trips” and  to continually reach out to a broken world with the Love and Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This coming year will mean relocating to Gainesville, Georgia for, at this point, the duration of one year with a small part of the year in GA and the other spent on the mission field leading college age “Real Life” teams to various global locations yet to be determined.
  As for the immediate I will be on the leadership team for the “The Novas Project” this upcoming fall in Matamoros, Mexico.

  Yes, there are a few things that are still being worked out, but The Lord has already thrown open doors for His leading and provision and I am trusting In Him.
 The faithfulness, confidence, community and LOVE of Living Stones Church congregation, its entire leadership and missions team towards me, the kingdom and this great Gospel is truly amazing.

The testimony of their work for the Lord is not going unheard, no it is rippling and believers abroad are really being encouraged knowing of a body that faithfully seeks His face and reflects it actively everyday in a way that is witnessed.  

Honestly when it is so undeserved, you just keep trusting me, helping me and loving me and sending me.



P.S. If any subscribers have received multiple update notifications, it is due some difficulty I am having with the page. Apologies and thanks.

2 responses to “Real Life, Coming At Ya.”

  1. blair! i’m so excited for you! thank you for this, it really spoke to me this morning, and i am so glad to hear that KNOWING HIM is the only reason that you’re taking this challenge. i will be praying for you this morning for sure, and can’t wait to hear all that happens with you!!

  2. Honestly brother, as sad as it is to see you go again, I am one hundred percent behind you and glad that you are continuing your path with God. It seems like you’ve done wonderful things in Africa and Mexico will be blessed to have you. You’ve always been a restless spirit my friend, always needing to be on the move and be productive, and I think you’ve found your calling. The world is a lucky place to have you. Good luck. I love ya bro.