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Thoughts & Inspiration

  So down here in Mexico we are teaching the students about being Exiles.

   This means if we are really God’s people, then we must know and remember that we are infact passing through this world and that we do not remain bound to it and in a similar way remember we are a people at this time who remain exiled  inside a certain culture, much like the Israelite’s in Babylon.
 And as we lie in wait for that final day we refuse to be conformed to the likeness of a surrounding world that does not love nor know their tender and awesome God.

  As we well know, we North Americans have an extreme abundance of wealth. Some of us may find ability to dispute this only as we compare ourselves to another group from the same area of our own western world. But of course this is skewed. Most of this world has less. Much less.
 And what is of much more if not of greatest importance is “does it, this abundance, get in the way of my surrender, connection, communion and obedience to the Lord?”
One in four American “evangelicals” (a term we toss around like wet laundry in a dryer) gives nothing of their own income away in year at all.  We really do have a lot and we were discussing these things last Sunday as a leadership team on our way into Harlingen, Texas.

 This is a conversation I know all too well. I have thought it, blogged it, debated it, prayed it, talked it, despaired over it and I suppose truthfully, I have mostly ignored it. The first week here at Novas struck on money quite a bit and we are not done yet.
 Because one of the fiercest battles that faces our hearts, church and culture, is the massive effects that our wealth can and does have on our Spirits. Numbing our hunger and our obedience while fueling ever increasing worldly desire, hedonism and distraction from our call of discipleship   It runs deep and He knew this to be true.  That’s why he talked about it so much.

 So recently during some more conversation of these things, Jesse, a co leader of mine and I decided that despair and self condemnation of past experiences was of no motivating value or use at all.
However neither was the present and  prevalent ignorance and inaction acceptable.
Bless The Lord! Instead He led us to simply look upon His own goodness in which we never find limit. He always has abundance and never withholds good things in His desire to love His kids.
                                     It’s abundant generosity. This is His answer.
Divinely poured, I am soaked with thee and I wish, when I look upon this goodness, not to run or fret but to be of the same flow. Of the same nature.

 He is so generous and we want to be generous just like our Good Father.
 So we decided that we would see if would provide someone to have lunch with us.
Anyone. Just to bless them and fellowship in God’s goodness. It would be our joy.

 The other co leaders (Tanna, Becca, Brittany) were with us but were unaware of the ongoing conversation I was having with Jesse. So on the way I invited them into the conversation and explained that we were hoping The Lord would give just such a person to us.
Chili’s was our destination.
 Jesse was driving and no longer speaking.

 We pulled into the parking lot as we would any other. We stopped and I was somewhat stricken with guilt.
I had talked about helping someone.

                                                              Thought about it.
                      Here I was once again about to eat a fine meal and spend it all on myself.
                                                         Not DOING a thing.
               He doesn’t require my doing, that is religion. But I longed for it, and that is grace.                                                                              

I certainly hadn’t been looking very hard, but little did I know Jesse had been continually asking The Lord the whole way there to give us someone who was in need as we desired to be obedient and just give and fellowship with someone the world counted as a loss. A liability.

 I stepped out of the Van and there was a woman approaching us. She looked rugged head to toe and had her hand stretched out toward us holding only a few dimes.
No one else in the parking lot at all.

 ” Blair” said Becca “This woman would like to know if we have any spare change so she can buy something to eat”

 Jesse sat still in the van drivers seat staring forward out the windshield, all the passenger doors ajar….Fighting back tears in his awe and Joy.
I tell you guys I was so filled with Joy when I saw that woman I could have exploded right there and Jesse hadn’t even shared his own quiet prayers with us yet.
 I immediately shook her hand and invited her to have lunch with us. Her name was Pat and The Lord had given her to us and us to her.
                                                                                        Ask and ye shall receive…..

   We had the sweetest lunch.  I just knew this was what it was all about.
   Oh man, the joy the feeling that washed over us. So awesome.

                                  Oh ya….turns out Pat is a prophet. Seriously. Incredible.

   She opened right up to us about how the Lord sends people into her life. How she has endured life on the streets for 18 years in Harlingen. She told us about how she has at times been turned away by those claiming the Lord’s name and also encouraged by those whom The Lord sends her way to pick her up when she really needs it.
              She holds her head up despite the hard times and pain but still she smiles a lot.
                          It was truly abundant goodness. Thank you Jesus!!!
                      The Father has not forgotten anyone. Not you or I. Not even Pat.

 Jesse leans over to me and whispers something so awesome to my ears……
“True fasting” he says simply.
                 Read Isaiah Chapter 58. You’ll know exactly what he meant. I promise you.
                      His way  of exile is so much better…………..See you next week Pat.

– For Holy Spirit to continue to wreck us. No words. Just Him.
 -to understand Christian leadership vs. common style of superiority and privilege
 -That I would seek out people intentionally and consistently
 –Pride. Gotta go.
 -Authentic relationships.
-Border crossings (kinda givin a canuck a hard time)
  -Passion and Love For the Father and this blessed position that I am in
-Burden for all these students, to hurt with them and for them.

                                               Love you guys. Thank you so much.
 Oh and I should announce that I will be home for awhile at Xmas! yay 4 snow.
                               More details later and hopefully some pictures!